3rd Place winner

De Profundis - An untold story of apnea Fishermen
Atauro is a small island in front of Dili, Timor-Leste's capital. The survival of its inhabitants lies in fishing through apnea diving. The fishermen surround the fish with their small boats, launch the nets to trap them and then dive to great depths for a few minutes. Needle fish get trapped in the net itself and is hand picked (they don't pull the net to the boats, as the boats are too small and tiny to pull so many fish from the ocean at once without flipping the boat), while the other bigger fish, like grouper, is shot with spear gun. AUTHOR
I was brought to life in 1989 and born in 2010, when I started taking photos. Since then, all my life exists around photography: I'm alwayslooking carefully to my surroundings and always chasing the best available light. I have a dream to become a fulltime photographer, although for
now most of my income comes from my main job as a lawyer.