Honorable Mention

Wombat of Cradle Mountain
I had an exact image of the wombat I wanted to capture embedded in my mind. Upon entering Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, I searched day and night to find a compatible subject. Many of the wombats were (expectedly) uninterested in modelling for me, and would much rather be foraging for food. After four long days of searching I was at the point of packing up and heading home. Just as I clipped the lens cap on my camera, I heard a rustling coming towards me, and through the glare of the setting sun I saw a wombat trudging through the scrub. I had my telephoto lens attached and quickly setup to capture what I could see. The dramatic sun flare backlit the wombat as he plodded by, still chewing his meal. AUTHOR
My name is Bryan Jones.I am a High School Hospitality, Food Technology and Technology & Design Teacher.
I live in a coastal town on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, Australia.
I have been capturing my local coast for over 10 years and have recently begun to expand my photography skills from that of landscapes.