Honorable Mention
lights fall through unto dreams
This photo is part of a series of works inspired by the work of Canadian poet Dennis Cooley. I have had a long history of working with Dennis both as a composer and a photographer.About me:
born in canada. studies in composition. professor, university of manitoba, canada, director, university of manitoba computer music studio – awards/resedencies in belgrade, mexico city, morelia, szombathely, winnipeg – various publications, including bis, cec, centredisques, cero, conucalta, parma, tnc
performances, concerts, projects and exhibitions worldwide, including argentina, canada, denmark, germany, hong kong, hungary, korea, mexico, netherlands, poland, russia, slovenia, spain, ukraine, usa – lives and works in berlin as a photographer and composer.
I am a composer and photographer living in Berlin. In my photography I work in black and white, night photography, landscapes and architecture. Textures and shapes inform my work.Ich bin Komponist und Fotograf und wohne in Berlin. Als Fotograf beschäftige ich mich mit Schwarzweiß, Nachtaufnahmen, Landschaften und Architektur. Gewebe und Formen prägen mein Werk.