Honorable Mention

solitary tree
One of my photos from my project "minimal scenery", Photo taken in Styria/Austria. Viewing my images should be an act of looking through a frame with minimal elements, excluding all the noise. I prefer a simple, clear picture language, essentially reducing it to a minimum. AUTHOR
My name is Bernd Grosseck. I live near Graz in Styria (Austria).I am an amateur photographer, from Styria/Austria. I have taken photographs since the age of 14 and in recent years I found my vision for my personal photographic journey. Now I express my vision with "minimal scenery" images.
Viewing my images should be an act of looking through a frame with minimal elements, excluding all the noise. I prefer a simple, clear picture language, essentially reducing it to a minimum.
Nearly all the photos in myportfolio were taken in my local area. If a simple and clear picture language is used, I can show the unknown inside the well-known. Consequently it doesn´t take much, not a far trip to realize my own vision.
My photographic focus is currently landscape photography. "Urban still lifes" and a certain amount of street photography are the other two photographic areas that excite me at the moment.