Honorable Mention
Calcium Cravings
Giraffes are herbivores but they do, from time to time, need to stock up on minerals. This they get from chewing on bones of other deceased animals that they find lying around - the practice is known as Osteophagy:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteophagy
This Giraffe was quite some way away from me, but the telephoto lens has captured individual hairs on its chin. I took quite a few images, as the Giraffe chewed - swaying its head and long neck in the process.
I have been taking pictures (as an amateur) since 1968 when I bought my first Diana camera with my pocket money. After having owned other film cameras, I graduated to purely digital photography in 2007. I've come to realize that I tend to think very graphically, as a person - I read and write well but prefer seeing the "whole picture" so-to-speak; maybe this is why photography attracts me so much. I like doing street photography as it enables me to interact with people. I do however, also dabble in "miscellaneous" picture-making such as Landscapes, Conceptual or Abstract styles. Usually, I am opportunistic in my approach and take the picture if I like it visually in the instant; almost a spur-of-the-moment thing.