Honorable Mention
The Cry of Life
Me, me, me, me!!Newly-hatched swallow chicks eagerly watching their mother coming in with food. Outside of Denver, CO.
By day (and most other hours) I do high-end architecture and engineering for IT infrastructure, but I've always loved photography, and found it was a great way to express my artistic side. After years with point-and-click simple cameras, I picked up a DSLR (Canon Rebel T3) at the end of 2011 and have been getting more and more into it as I go, progressing to the Sony Alpha A7RII (mirrorless) that I currently shoot with. Because of my technical background, I love all the tools and tricks out there to tweak and pack punch into digital photographs. After building my digital tool-set (and many hours of videos and play), things come together for me, getting all the pictures that I've been taking into a nice collection that I can work with! So as I take new pictures and hone my skills in the digital editing apps I'm also going back to work on the pictures that I've taken in the past.