2nd Place winner
Puffin's fate
My travel to Shetland had only one goal - I went there to photograph puffins. Those cute, little seabirds are truly the perfect models. They will almost always come near to check you out and if staying still, you can find yourself surrounded by them.
While being there I learnt that number of puffins in the colonies is decreasing.
One of the main reasons is diminishing food supply, which is caused both by overharvesting of fishes and climate change.
Increasing sea temperature, changes food availability and quality. In case of lack of sandeels, on which puffins normally prey, they are forced to catch different kinds of fishes.
Sadly, this may mean that young chicks will not survive since not all of the other types of fishes can be digested by them.
I'm an amateur photographer from Poland. I have always traveled with camera but lately photography has become for me the reason for traveling.https://500px.com/natgroza