Honorable Mention
Angel without wings
Angels (this is what the friends of the house say about residents in one of the Nursing Home in Poland) they already have one wing - they have love, care and security. They also have someone to support, thanks to the daily presence of the Elizabethan Sisters and Carers. The other wing is hurt by intellectual and motor disabilities. To heal them, they need permanent, regular and adapted to the diverse needs of rehabilitation. In order for Angels to fly, they need a second wing, the Second Wing is a building that needs to be built. AUTHOR
Waldemar Stube urodzony w 1982 w Gnieźnie. Wraz z bratem stworzyli studio fotograficzne Fotostube w Gnieźnie. Wykładowca i twórca autorskich warsztatów fotograficznych na których stara się zarażać pasją fotografowania.Laureat konkursów m.in Grand Press Photo, WKF National Geographic, Monovision Award, Chromatic Award, Monochrome Award, Wielkopolska Press Photo, Moja Wielkopolska.
Szczęśliwy Mąż. Szczęśliwy ojciec Juli i Tymoteusza.
Fotografia daje mu dystans do rzeczywistości.
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