Honorable Mention
Mobile Lifestyle
The telephone was invented to facilitate communication. However, with the development of science and technology, mobile phones have been given more and more functions and are regarded as one of the main tools in work. There is less and less real communication between people.Mobile phones have become part of our weight. Some people mute their phones to avoid numerous messages, but at the same time they are in the contradiction of wanting to check them out. However, there is no doubt that people find solace through their phones during the lockdown period. Its advantages and disadvantages are actually in people's hands. That’s why we need to find the balance.
Qiting Lin (b.1994, China) is a Chinese photographer based in Paris. She holds a BA in Graphic Design and she has recently concluded her master’s degree in photography at the photography school Spéos in Paris. Her knowledge of design has become a source of inspiration for most of her photographic projects. She do scenes design for objects in an aesthetic context and always looking for a special relationship between them. Her latest project ‘Mobile Lifestyle’ is a series that explores the relationship between mobile phones and humans.