2nd Place winner
This photo shows the SADR region, in the constellation Cygnus. It is a hydrogen nebula, which explains its red color. It is not visible without a telescope or lense and it is located between 2000 and 5000 lightyears. To achieve such precision, it took 8h of exposure. AUTHOR
With astrophotography, I aim at bringing the viewer with me on a journey through the cosmos. This practice allows us to distinguish spaces otherwise inaccessible to common people. Growing up in the South of France, I spent my childhood biking in the Alps and wildcampings. This is how I became acquainted with the sky : a mysterious place that becomes fully visible through the photographic process. My passion led me to study engineering and photography at university. I later assisted artists such as Nicolas Henry, who made me discover surrealist photography. Having recently graduated, I am now backpacking in the mountains and taking pictures of nature and the stars.