Honorable Mention

Caligraphy Assisted By AI
This project is still part of my research on the existence of robots and Artificial Intelligences in a fictional daily life... or almost.In the universe of The Robot Next Door project, I'm working on a small series illustrates, always with a touch of humour, the massive arrival of AI in our professional and personal lives.
These digital intelligences invest, among other things, in the fields of creation and the arts. But coupled with robotics, these new beings could very well assist us in all imaginable fields. More or less relevant and useful.
How far are we willing to let all this technology into our lives? What impact can this have on our ways of learning, creating, thinking? And what are the consequences for our human relationships?
I am a professional UX/UI designer based in Brittany (France). I create images as a self tought photographer under pseudonyme Niko Photographisme.I work mainly on surrealist compositions and I like to create my own world using home made props and photomanipulation. I really favor "tangible methods" during photoshootings (no cgi/3D). Then, I use editing software to achieve the better image as possible.
I consider photography as a playground for my imagination. Digital photography and retouching offer me a great freedom of creation.
I obsessed with appearances and I like to work on body modifications and improved human capacities. False pretense, appearance and reality manipulations are my main common thread.