3rd Place winner

The Next Generation of Eagle Hunters
The Kazakh traditions in a hunter’s family usually have been passed from generation to generation. Once a boy (and in some cases, a girl) is strong enough to carry the weight of a golden eagle, it’s time to follow in their forefathers footsteps. With the father's or Grandpas help, the child will learn how to hunt in the beginning with a small hawk & later with eagles, and will then capture and train his/her own. Here is 6y old Alkan, admiring his famous Uncle Jenisbek Tserik, a Multi-title champion. AUTHOR
My name is Apostolos Kaloudis, and I'm an adventurer. I consider myself as an adventurer/explorer, rather than a photographer. When I was studying Medieval History, I was amazed by stories and details of military campaigns. Something that impassioned me later to go out and explore remote lands, such as the Silk Road or even former Himalayan Kingdoms. In 2015, I joined the National Geographic Photography Community (natgeoyourshot), a great school to learn about photography. Since then, I’ve been awarded in various competitions such as IPA, TIFA, BIFA, Prix de la Photographie de Paris, Better Photography Magazine, Finalist in Head On Photo Awards, Tokyo International Awards & my work has been exhibited in many cities around the world such as N.Y, Milan, Sydney, Minneapolis, Athens, Tbilisi. ...