Honorable Mention

For me, the most important thing is the human and his interior. I try to show his emotions, read his thoughts, really convey the atmosphere of the situation. I show how constructive or destructive human relationships can be, and thus how important their role is. We're a herd creature. Strength is in the group, not the individual. And yet so much loneliness in us. Many human dramas are unnoticeable and happening right next door. Sometimes a little sensitivity is enough to change the course of history. Indifference is the plague of our time. A man is so focused on his own affairs that he does not notice the problems of others. His sensitivity got lost somewhere along the way in the pursuit of the desired material state. Digitization means that all social relationships, but not only those established interpersonally, are transferred to the Internet. The indirect relationship replaces the direct one, weakening ethical responsibility. Today, minority social groups continue to fight for respect and non-discrimination. Isolation, and the amount of stimuli reaching people, plunges them into depression. It's hard to see if you can't see what's going on outside the window. In the virtual world, everyone is more anonymous, and this allows for behaviors that in the real world, (face to face), are no longer so easy. Digitization helps to insult, expose, humiliate.Victims are wounded, vulnerable souls.
My name is Joanna Pęciak. Photography is my passion. Something inseparable, always with me. Gives me a lot of joy. It is a stepping stone from everyday life.I started with “taking pictures”, but that wasn’t enough for me, so I started to “make pictures”. Over time, it became a way for me to express myself. It's a kind of therapy that allows me to express what's growing inside of me.
I often hear that my work looks like paintings. It's because of my love for this field of art :-)
As a child, I painted paintings and made lots of sketches. On paper and canvas I found everything that caught my eye. Digital creation has become for me a continuation of my childhood interests and a plane on which I can creatively realize myself.