Honorable Mention

The Na'Pali Coast
A panoramic image showcasing the artwork crafted by a relationship of pure juxtaposition - Fire and Water and is a literal display of how our planet came to be as we know it today. The Na Pali coast on the Hawaiian island of Kauai was formed by the lava spat out by violent volcanos millions of years ago. Since then the surrounding water has chiseled this rock into sharp pointy peaks with intriguingly textured valleys and cliffs. The richness of the volcanic soil results in vivid colours with sheer brilliance, especially if the light touches the surface a certain way. The sea reflects the blue of the sky absorbing the colour so intensely with a luminance that seems impossible. The soft clouds resting at the tip of the volcanic peaks soften the scape while displaying the unique weather system of the region. AUTHOR
Natalie Arber is a self-taught lifestyle and environmental portrait photographer based in Melbourne who practices mostly in black and white. She documents candid moments with an emphasis on emotions and human expression. In 2023 she was a finalist in the Head On Portrait awards where her self portrait, Scarred was on exhibit in Bondi as well as being exhibited by the Museum of Australian Photography as part of their 2023 LOOK! prize with her winning portrait Sleepy-Head. Natalie's image, Miss Apprehended was also exhibited in 2023 as a finalist for the Out From the Mist competition in Queensland. In 2024 Natalie has won the title of Portrait Photographer of the Year in the Australian Photographic Prize and won the Emotive Portrait category of the Better Photography Photographer of the Year. Natalie also is a semi-finalist in the Head On Portrait awards, was a finalist and exhibited in the Kingston Arts Optika awards, Australian Photography Awards and the Museum of Australian Photography LOOK! Prize. She recently placed 2nd in the Out From the Mist photography awards with her image Metamorphic.