Honorable Mention
Pong Pong Flowers
- Fallen flowers of Pong Pong Tree (Cerbera odollam) after rain. A few days of rain have created puddles of water on the ground. Up on the tree, the flowers were beautiful white star-shaped with a yellow centre. This tree is usually found in coastal forest and landward margins of mangroves and along rivers. Their fruits are round and dispersed by water. It is the caterpillar host-plant of the King Crow butterfly (Euploea phaenareta castelnaui).- taken near sungei Tampines, Singapore,
- taken with Nikon F5, Sigma 180mm Macro 1:3.5D, f/11, 1/8s, 3D Matrix metering, +2.0EV, Fuji Chrome Velvia 100, film scanned with Nikon Super Coolscan 5000ED,
- minor adjustment on levels.
Studied ArchitectureSelf-taught in Photography
Living in Singapore