Honorable Mention

Mother Earth
Rivers are drying up, forests are dying, the sun is scorching plants. Reality is more than we think it is and we are all connected to each other. At the level of quantum mechanics, everything, plants, animals, as well as humans, is a vibrating motion, a frequency, an energy. In this energy we come into the world, we energetically connect with planet Earth and with every Living Being. Invisible threads form between us, making the entire Universe one. Woven from the same material, we permeate each other and exist through other existences. So if you wonder if the Universe supports you, ask yourself if you support the Universe. AUTHOR
Polish photographer specializing in fine art photography. She is self-taught and engages in her passion for photography and art as a tool to explore human relationships but also relationships with herself or the surrounding nature. Her psychological education and the fact that she grew up among animals in a house on the edge of the forest are clearly visible in her photographs. The direction of her work is determined by a longing for understanding and deeper view of human and his unity with the natural world.