Honorable Mention

Mystical Luminance
In the hidden recesses of Király Bath's dark cellar, a mystical scene unfolds as ethereal light pierces through the dome's apertures. AUTHOR
I am Jasmin Cathor, a passionate visual storyteller, from Hamburg, Germany.During my communication design studies at HAW Hamburg (2016-2023), I had the opportunity to acquire a wide range of skills in the visual field.
Throughout my time there, I was able to narrow down what truly ignites my passion and drives me forward – stories. Stories are ubiquitous and convey content in a visual and emotional manner. Photography, in particular, is a discipline that perfectly aligns with my enthusiasm for storytelling, which is why I chose to specialize in it during my studies.
I have started my Master's degree in communication design with focus on photography in October 2023 to dive deeper into the field of photography, to experiment with it and to connect with like-minded people.
I am thankful to follow my passion and am looking forward to share stories that will hopefully touch the hearts and minds of many people worldwide.