Honorable Mention

The photo inspired by the work of Alexei Titarenko was taken during a Sunday walk through one of the working-class districts of Warsaw.A beautiful sunny day on one of the streets with the tour participants.
The photo evokes associations with Polish painters: Władysław Podkowiński - Szał uniesień 1893 and Józef Chełmoński's painting - Czwórka 1881.
I am a 59-year-old amateur, passionate about photography. I love photos of masters such as Ernst Haas, Saul Leiter. Alex Webb, Harry Gruyeart and many others whose works inspired me to create something mine. These are constant attempts to get closer, at least to a minimal extent, to something unattainable, something that will not be there in a moment, or maybe has never been. It is a dream of immortalizing and leaving images for yourself and your loved ones, a break from the everyday world, a kind of therapy and stimulation for my mind.