Honorable Mention

Technique: Analog photography from cliché.EMPTY HOME
Home is the save place. Protects
through closure of small fragment
of open on everything space. I am
save, because I’m closed in my home.
However cracks and holes in my cocoon
join with open space, let air, life come in my sheltering.
Windows and doors onto world create my home as they would be paintings on wall.
Empty house is contradiction in itself , because home means place, where someone lives. Connection of two descriptions of space: "empty” and "home” gives birth for time.
Empty home is place, which waits.
Emptiness isn’t place, where there is nothing and nobody
but where it is much more- space open for coming time.
MA in Graphic Arts on Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. Graduation work: in specjalization of „Photography and Intermedia”.
„Over-exposure- about photographic process and work on loss”. Thesis supervisor: prof. Agata Pankiewicz.
MA in Psychology on Jagiellonian University in Cracow .
Phd in Psychology on KUL in Lublin.
MA and Phd dissertation investigated the subject of art therapy.
In past art therapist in „J. Babiński Neurosychiatric Hospital” .
At present lecturer of psychology and art therapy on Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow.