Honorable Mention

Main Bus Station - Tel Aviv - Israël AUTHOR
Charles Chojnacki Born in Brussels in 1957, He is self-educated and, in parallel to a so-called traditional career, he has always used photography as a means of expression. Traveling the world, he works several years long on a documentary illustrating the 1950s through festivals, or "people well-adapted to their century whose hearts are in another".He holds his first exhibit in 2012; a book entitled "50s' TODAY", with a foreword by Patrick Roegiers, comes out in 2015 and is received with non-negligible success by both the media and the public.He gains confidence from the recognition of a few of his shots by "Leica Fotografie International", some specialized websites and some renowned magazines such as the famous "Photo" and the French "Réponse Photos" that award him a price in 2019. It is also in 2019 that he receives an award from the Deutsche Bank during the "Shoot for Good" exhibit. With this "Metropolis" series