Honorable Mention

To create this photograph, I wanted there to be several meanings in the same work. May the reading experience be multiple and objectively evoke themes that are close to my heart. I have long wanted to work in series, but now my wish is to make a single photograph into a whole whose mission is to bring together what could be worked with several images.This tangle of pallets and other pieces of wood evokes chaos and its aesthetic.
In this apparent disorder reigns an unstable and precarious harmony which resonates with our times where, for example, the ecological crisis leads us to a point where humanity can tip to the good or bad side. As if time were suspended, we obviously know that the slightest change, the slightest addition of event will create an imbalance and break the harmony, just as it will have taken a long time for this same harmony to be created. .
Yesterday, harmony did not exist and tomorrow it will no longer exist! This photograph evokes an extremely short and precious pivotal moment.
We obviously also see in this image the theme of chance or rather contingency, unpredictability or the impossibility of predicting a fact with certainty. This tangle of palettes, without a wide shot and therefore without context, makes this apparently uninteresting scene evolve towards a particular situation which makes us imagine without guarantee a context that everyone can imagine with their own sensitivity.
Working time 1 year
Technique: Shot with a 6x9 camera. Kodak Ektar negative film.
Dimensions: 105x156 cm or 125x185 cm (your choice). 3mm Dibond lamination and American box.
Inkjet printing on premium Canson Infinty RC paper
Born to Belfort France 25/04/1980