Honorable Mention

Femern Bælt (Fehmarnbelt), Baltic Sea, August 2023
The FemernBælt (Fehmarnbelt) strait in the Baltic Sea at a ferry passage from Puttgarden (Germany) to Rødby (Denmark), August 2023. AUTHOR
Photography is what I love: past, present and future in one medium! Through photographs I reflect on the past, photographing I like to do myself, now and for later. Photography has long been a mania for me, as a photographer I am self-taught. Professionally, I worked for a long time in a historical archive as a photo conservator: preservation, management and use of audiovisual material in historical collections. Fits well with personal interest in photography, as a medium and historical artifact. I enjoy working with visual materials (photography, film, video), also in the context of heritage & history.
Starting April 2022, I walk in stages along the North Sea coast of the Netherlands. I walk from the North to the South. Always in the company of one or more cameras. On the Internet I report with photos of the project and the stages I walked.