Honorable Mention

Autumn Spectacle
It was a foggy autumn morning and that was exactly what I needed for this project. So I went to the historically famous Grebbeberg. This the place were many military soldiers fought and died during the first days of WWII in The Netherlands...I had already visited this spot earlier and had noticed these two whimsical oak trees. They were forming one big circle, at least when you look at it from the viewpoint of my 14mm wide angle lens, just above the ground.
When I arrived there that very morning, the fog had almost disappeared, the sky turned blue and the sun appeared. I was disappointed and almost decided to go home. But I stayed and decided to experiment a while. I placed two strobes on either side of the trees and started working. Then came a big surprise! A thick layer of fog came suddenly from the valley below and filled the whole forest. The combination of fog, sunlight, blue sky, autumn leaves and the light of my two strobes created one big amazing color spectacle!
Jacob-Carl Pauw (1990) is a professional, Dutch photographer. Although he started within the broadest spectrum of nature photography in 2006, he's focusing more on landscape photography since 2017. From that period onward he suddenly began to develop a great fascination for trees and mystery. Besides making use of ideal weather conditions he began combining natural light with artificial light, in order to create unique photographs and with that a complete new style of his own.