Honorable Mention

Decay in Glory
Death can be beautiful, sometimes. I’m somehow fascinated by dead oak trees. This little dead oak tree stood between some other big and flourishing oaks. He was completely debarked and had already lost some of its big branches. He was all but glorious… until I decided to make it the main subject of a photo project. I needed two flashlights and a thick layer of fog… Then the day came. It was a beautiful, mysterious autumn morning. I put the two flashlights in their position and created the atmosphere that I already had in my mind. First I wanted to fully isolate the dead tree from the surrounding trees, until I noticed the beautiful effect the light had on the autumn leaves of the living trees on the background. This created a beautiful connection between the dead tree and the living trees. It is as if the living trees stretch out to the dead tree and crown it with their golden autumn leaves to pay their last respect. And all this is witnessed by two tiny little green pine trees that rises between the dead branches on the ground and symbolise new life.An artistic perspective on how all things in nature are connected.
Jacob-Carl Pauw (1990) is a professional, Dutch photographer. Although he started within the broadest spectrum of nature photography in 2006, he's focusing more on landscape photography since 2017. From that period onward he suddenly began to develop a great fascination for trees and mystery. Besides making use of ideal weather conditions he began combining natural light with artificial light, in order to create unique photographs and with that a complete new style of his own.