3rd Place winner
we are not alone
The concept of my photographic series deals with the human search for extraterrestrial life.Mankind is making his move beyond the last frontier, space. Our species is learning a lot about the universe and ourselves these days and the search for exoplanets and a potential new home is in full force. It is no longer the question if the human race should or need to be an interplanetary species than when it will happen. Our never ending spirit for exploration takes on space, besides the sea the last and largest uncharted place there is. The symbolic photography leaves much room for speculation like the phenomena of boundlessness and the unknown connected with space.
- born in Mainz Germany- played some guitar
- works as a freelance photographer since 2012
- since 2014 member of the art collective Kunststoff
- walked the camino de portuguese in 2014
- team of currators fotobook container at the Lumix Fotofestival in Hannover 2016
- walked the camino de santiago franques in 2016
- organisation team "tentosix" workshop week in 2016
- Bachelor of arts in Photography and Media at the university for applied sciences Bielfeld in 2017
- studies Photography Practice master at the Folkwang Universität der Künste in Essen Germany since 2017