1st Place winner
Art Poétique I
During my stay in Barbastro, Spain, I wasn't in the mood for shooting photos of the outsides although it is a beautiful place I found myself as an foreign in closed spaces. This photo belongs to the Hostal were I was staying, I remember my first expression with the room in cause of the green color and light, and I get a quickly intimacy with it. AUTHOR
Karla G. Guerrero (Mexico City, 1993) received her Bachelor of Communication from Universidad de La Comunicación and her Diplomas in Photography from Academia de Artes Visuales and Fundación Pedro Meyer. Her work has been reviewed and featured in international magazines such as GUP Magazine, STOP Magazine, Vice Versa Magazine, amongst others. And has been exhibited in Mexico, Spain, and Greece. In June her one-person show "Ser Ahí" was part of the 4º edition of the BFOTO Emergentes 2017 Festival, in Barbastro, Spain.