2nd Place winner

Tree Lake
Koehn Lake is a dry lake, and seasonally endorheic lake, in the Mojave Desert of California. It is unusual comparing to many other lakes that its water can only escape through evaporation. The surface of the lake is moist as water is drawn from underground through capillary action. This is one of the most artistic place I have ever come across. This aerial photo shows the incredible abstract tree-like formation on the dried lake surface. AUTHOR
Dr Yi Sun, is an international award-winning landscape and travel photographer based in the UK. He has a passion for exploring the world and documenting nature's fine art creations. Yi has won international awards for his work at the Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) awards, neutral density photography awards (ND awards), international photography awards (IPA), EPSON international pano awards and international landscape photographer of the year (ILPOY) awards. He was named as ND fine art photographer of the year in 2015 and ND nature photographer of the year in 2017. Website: www.yisunphotography.com