Honorable Mention
O menino Maracatu
A coleção Maracatu foi pensada para enaltecer a cultura pernambucana desde a época colonial, traçando paralelo entre o folclore, o sincretismo e a agropecuária. As fotos foram feitas numa fazenda que planta cana de açúcar há 300 anos, com personagens do Maracatu da mesma região. O Maracatu Rural, também chamado de baque solto, teve início em meados do século XIX. O ritmo foi desenvolvido por agricultores e atualmente homenageia a luta dos trabalhadores rurais. Nesse tipo de manifestação, os personagens mais famosos são os caboclos de lança, conhecidos assim por segurarem uma lança de madeira com as mãos. AUTHOR
Mayssa Leão is a photographer, painter, and chef. Born in 1983 in Recife (Brazil), she lived her early childhood at a farm.Self-taught and passionate about the arts, she had experiences with fashion, dance, and TV and studied Environmental Law in Spain, which her works' vision.
She started photographing in January 2019. That same year, she did an essay for Maracatu Rural that earned her an award at the Chromatic Awards 2020. Now, in 2021, she has won another award in the Culture category at the Chromatic Awards 2021.
In her photos of her, she captures landscapes, animals, and culture as a theme, seeking the concepts of harmony and aesthetics. In the plastic arts, the escape from depression is shown in various forms, whether through saints painted in oil on wood pruning, such as wall sculptures, or in acrylic painting with collages and the use of a blowtorch.