Honorable Mention
Exquisite Garbage
Reading about the Great Pacific Garbage patch one day, I discovered that there was a study being done about the human-created plastics in the ocean ending up in the fish we eat. These “microplastics” that are being found in these fish come back to ultimately harm us, and I found it mystifying that humans can spend up to thousands of dollars for a single pound of exquisite fish, yet treat the environment which these fish come from like garbage. Thus, we can set up a table however formally we want, but unless we work to improve the environment our food comes from, we might as well be eating from a sandal out of the garbage. AUTHOR
Alan Zhang is an American based photographer, growing up with experiences of both the busy streets of Shanghai, China and the suburban fields of Germantown, Maryland. His photography tends to explore the concept of motion and storytelling - particularly the thin crossover of cinema and photography.