Honorable Mention

Velvet Soul
Riding with a friend through Rocky Mountain National Park, we came across a few bull elk grazing close to the road. I was unable to get a clear shot of the elk as it was on the opposite side of the car from me. So, I leaned over the driver's side of the car and my friend's shoulder in an attempt to capture a few images. My camera was set on zoom and I thought I was way to close to get a good shot. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder........I was so excited and delighted to capture this incredible close up image of a bull elk.
I have had an interest in photography since I was very young. Recently, I decided to become a professional photographer with a primary focus on authentic Action Wildlife. Living in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, I am given a vast venue of wildlife viewing opportunities. I love to see elk roaming the snow-covered hillsides and bighorn sheep leaping up rock cliffs with a confident ease. I find it exhilarating to watch the bald eagle swoop fish from the plentiful streams and mingle with a mountain goat herd living above 12,000 feet elevation on one of Colorado's famous 14'ners. I hope my photography inspires more active wildlife and habitat conservation efforts across the nation. Specifically, I would love to see the wildlife rich environment of Gunnison County, Colorado become the next national treasure as "Blue Mesa National Park." With over 80% of the county public lands with various wildlife protected spaces, it could be streamlined into one large protected wildlife area for future generations to enjoy. Additionally, Gunnison County is home to Blue Mesa Reservoir, the largest body of water in Colorado with over 96 miles of shoreline and is the place where the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park begins. The majority of my photographs are taken in this region.