Honorable Mention

bursting resonance
bursting resonance in violett flames, the blueprint of frequency
analog photography | complete negative | no editing | no filter | only scans
Serie:STÖRUNG | 02
@Beate Wätzel | 2021
Thematically, my work deals with the mystery and resulting realization of chance in analog photography. I work with a "broken" 6x6 camera, without any digital post-processing, no filters, only scans.
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of true science and art." Albert Einstein
My 6x6. Old and weird. "Defective" - sort of. With a troubled shutter that only sometimes does what it's supposed to do - bend to time. Randomness built in - somehow. Totally random - somehow. Interference preprogrammed...
The 6x6 always in the luggage phenomena gather. Light drawings over the present image, Contrary to the general conception of photography to capture the moment - clearly defined by aperture and time. Here, however, the moment stretches. Analogous conserve apparent disturbance metaphors that open up more than the pure imaging. Disruption is not necessarily wrong. Disruption implies a chaotic state of arbitrariness.
I surrender to the mystery of disturbance. I allow the moment to show more than what I see. I allow chance, chaos, loss of control, to realize how much more it shows when we engage.
Beate Wätzel* 03.07.1973
Leiblstr. 12
14467 Potsdam
0174 3342911
2001 Graduation photo design at Letteverein Berlin